Article Screens

Article screens are where you actually read encyclopedia entries or view pictures and movies about your chosen subject.

There are four types of article screen, depending on whether you have elected to read about trends, technologies, pioneers or a general article on a subject. All of the article screens work in the same way. The type of article is indicated in the top left corner of the screen.

Choosing and Reading an Article

Encyclopedia entries appear in the large white box on the right side of the screen. If you got to the article screen by selecting a pennant topic from the overview screen, this box will automatically display an article on that topic. Otherwise, the box will display a list of articles when the screen first appears. The list will be restricted to articles of the type noted in the top left corner of the screen. If the list is long, a scroll bar will appear along the right edge of the box. Select the arrows at the bottom or the top of the scroll bar to see the entire list.

You can choose an article from the list by selecting it. Your chosen article will then appear in the text box. To see the list again, select the Articles button at the bottom of screen.

You can read the article at your own pace. If the article is long, a scroll bar appears along the right edge of the text box. You can print the article for future reference by selecting Options (Toolbox) and then selecting Print.

As you read an article, you will notice that some of the words are highlighted in green. These words are linked to other encyclopedia articles, giving you quick access to related topics. Select one of the highlighted words to jump to that topic.

Exploring the Images and Movies

Each article is accompanied by a graphical image or a QuickTime movie which appears in the image box on the left side of the article screen.

Still images can be enlarged for a closer look. Select the magnifying glass button at the lower right corner of the image to blow the image up, and click anywhere on the picture to shrink the image back to its original size. The magnifying glass does not appear if the image box contains a QuickTime movie.

Movie clips can be viewed by selecting the triangular play button at the lower right corner of the image box. Select the square stop button to end the video. These two video control buttons do not appear if the image box contains a still photo or illustration.

Finding Your Way Around the Encyclopedia

The other objects on the screen are there to help you find your way around the information in the encyclopedia. The three buttons in the lower left corner of the screen help you to locate other articles that you might be interested in reading:

Go Back - returns to the previous article. You can go back to the last 50 Encyclopedia articles you've viewed. This feature is useful for retracing your path as you follow links and indices.

See Also - brings up a list of related articles in other sections of the encyclopedia.

Index - enables you to search for articles in any section of the encyclopedia.

The objects along the top of the screen activate some other useful features:

Path - enables you to jump to any screen in the encyclopedia. The Path button is the round object in the upper right corner of the screen.

Exit - closes the encyclopedia and exits the program.

Options - There are four options under the Toolbox icon: Dictionary, Find, Print, and Sound Level.

Dictionary - brings up the Jones Interactive Dictionary with over 3,000 definitions of technical terms.

Find - allows you to locate a specific phrase in the Encyclopedia. A full search engine has been provided for your convenience. Simply type in the word or phrase you wish to search, and select Find.

Print - the last article reviewed will be printed on your default printer automatically.

Sound Level - allows you to change the sound level on your computer.

To leave the options menu select Close.

Question Mark - activates this on-line help system.

Landmarks - the icons to the left of the question mark are called landmarks. As you travel through the Jones Encyclopedia of the MultiMedia Industry, landmark objects appear at the top of the screen to indicate the branch you have traveled. Selecting these icons allows you to return to a previous level. The landmark on the right (three triangles) returns you to the main program menu. The landmark in the center (hexagonal or pentagonal) takes you back to the Industries or Applications menu, whichever you last visited. The landmark on the left (one triangle) takes you back to the overview screen for this section of the encyclopedia. Note that each article has a specific "home" and the landmarks will change to reflect this as you follow links.